Wobbly Life Money Cheat

Last Updated on 18 May, 2022

Wobbly Life Money Cheat – Do you want to get infinite money for any character? We explain how to do it with this step-by-step guide.

The money cheat in Wobbly life basically consists of editing the save file, these are the steps:

Wobbly Life Money Cheat – Finding the Save File

These are the steps to find the Save File:

  1. Press Windows + R
  2. Type appdata and press enter
  3. Open the LocalLow folder
  4. Open the RubberBandGames folder
  5. Then Open the Wobbly Life folder
  6. Open the Save folder
  7. Now Open the folder with your Steam Id (the one with a lot of numbers)
  8. Finally open the GameSaves folder

If you have several saves you will have to find the one you want to modify to use the money cheat. They are all stored in folders called SaveSlot_1, SaveSlot_2, SaveSlot_3…so first decide or find the Save Slot that interests you. Once inside you will have to enter one by one in the save file of the character that interests you, they are all called PlayerData_1.sav, PlayerData_2.sav, PlayerData_3.sav…

Wobbly Life Money Cheat – Editing the Save File

These are the steps to edit the Save File:

  1. Go to https://www.saveeditonline.com/
  2. Drag and drop the PlayerData_x.sav of your choice into the Upload Files section
  3. Find the value k__BackingField > money :
  4. Click on the green number to the right of k__BackingField > money : and change the value of your current money
  5. Click ok
  6. Scroll down and click download PlayerData_x.sav
  7. Drag and drop the PlayerData_x.sav you just downloaded from the downloads folder to the location where you found it in the previous step.
  8. Overwrite the file
  9. Launch the game and check your money


Yes, you can repeat the cheat as many times as you want, so basically you will get infinite money

We do not know if there is any limit to the money you can add through the cheat. We have tested it with 25,000 and it works. So if you enter a very large figure and it doesn’t work for you, try 25,000

You can also edit the save file manually, but we think it’s easier using the online editor

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