Signalis Astrolabe Puzzle Solution – Administrator Key

Last Updated on 11 November, 2022

Signalis Astrolabe Puzzle Solution – A guide to solve the Astrolabe/ Shrine Puzzle to get the Administrator Key

More Signalis guides: Sword Safe, Incinerator, Blank Key, Office Wall, Endings

Video Guide – Administrator Key

Perhaps the easiest thing is to watch a video how to complete the puzzle. Although of course we leave you all the explanations in the next section. But if you want to go easy, start with this video guide from Mista FiOth

If after watching the video you want more information to understand the logic of the puzzle, continue reading in the next section

Signalis Astrolabe Puzzle Solution

To complete the Astrolabe Puzzle in Signalis, you must duplicate the star map in the Briefing Room using the Astrolabe from the Shrine Box. You may spin all of the rings and their symbols, which depict the stars, on the Astrolabe. The sign in the outermost ring, which sits at the top of the Astrolabe, is an exception. Returning to your star map, Heimat is the star in the outermost ring. Make a note or snap a screenshot of the other planets’ positions as Heimat spins to the very top of the star chart.

Returning to the Astrolabe, there are three rings with symbols that may be rotated. These symbols are similar to those seen on the Star Map. The first is the large planet Rotfront, which is symbolized by the Astrolabe’s Circle. This should be rotated twice to the left so that it rests in the bottom left corner of the Astrolabe.

Kitezh and Vineta, the twin stars symbolized by the II sign on the Astrolabe, come next. You’ll want to rotate this layer once to the left, so it’s in the upper left corner. The last star in the list is Buyan, which is symbolized by the hexagon on the Astrolabe. Rotate it twice to the right, so it’s at the bottom right and next to the twin stars (II) location. Then, simply tap the white circle in the center to finish the Astrolabe puzzle.